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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Enjoy of Life Still Has Parents

Kedua orang tua tengku dabo singkep smk labor
Humans are given a lot of favors by God the Creator of All. Many blessings that we may not realize and we only consider something casual. But realize we are, there is one great blessing that He gave us. One of these blessings are still having to live with both parents.

Every newborn baby into the world must be in the process through both parents and every animate creature must have come from her parents, and it all must have permission from God that he alone can give life to every living creature. But sometimes, there is a child who never knew of the existence of his parents or where the origin of her birth. That must have felt an infinite sadness of not getting fully affection from both parents.

So be grateful for us who have been given grace still have both parents. Alhamdulillah ... Alhamdulillah ... Alhamdulillah ... What would happen if we live without getting the love from both parents and what would happen if we never know who both our parents' origins.

At this time, maybe we are not a nobody without their presence. Therefore, I would like to invite to give thanks to God who has given us a gift to us to be able to recognize both our parents and get her affection. They and their happy to care for them always amused by our presence in this world ...

Related Post : Nikmatnya Hidup Masih Memilik Orang Tua

Comments :

5 Comments to “The Enjoy of Life Still Has Parents”

Hanila PendarBintang said...

Thanks God I born and having great family and even if I had chance to life again I'd like to be born as I am:)

Bisnis Oriflame said...

I am lucky with my origin great family....and even everybody envy our happy family because we are always learn how to be grateful for all of the gift that God gives us.

situsonline said...

Terima kasih banyak atas kunjungannya pak,tapi mohon maaf sebelumnya aku ga bs koment sesui posting ini,maklum pak ndak ngerti bhs inggris.!
Salam dunia maya.

holichaxor said...

berkunjung ke blognya bang khairil dan salam perkenalan dari semarang ya pak..

tutorial seo said...

alhamdulillah karena tidak semua orang masih memiliki kedua orang tua ;)


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